As we transition from our current Learner Management System (LMS) DayMap to the Department for Education’s new platform, Frog, we are investing heavily in the capacity of our teaching staff to build and deliver a 21st Century curriculum. Working alongside Jane Logan, the Frog lead from DfE, our learning areas are continuing to be onboarded and upskilled in creating engaging, accessible units of work that cater for the diverse needs of our learners.

On Friday 2 September, all staff at Woodville High School will attend a Professional Development Day (Student Free Day) which will focus on the development and delivery of Frog units, the core of the student-facing curriculum. This work will continue into Term 4, with numerous Wednesday afternoons dedicated to further development.

Students and parents will be invited to attend Frog sessions, enabling feedback and choice in both the Student Dashboard and the Community Dashboard functionality. I encourage you to contact me via email ( if you would like to be part of the parent group.