Term 3 Overview

This term has been filled with an array of activities, events and celebrations as we continue to build our vibrant and collaborative community. At the beginning of the term, students engaged in a variety of activities for Arts Week, Dance/Drama Week and Science Week. Students participated in the highly collaborative and engaging activities throughout each break time and gained house points for their respective house; Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune or Sirius. We also celebrated SSO Week in Week 5 to acknowledge and thank our Student Support Officers for their role in supporting school life.

2025 Course Handbook and Course Counselling

Students in Year 7-11 have made their decisions for their subject selection for next year. Throughout Term 3, students collaborated with their House Group teacher and Course Counsellors to consider their possible future pathways before selecting the subjects they would like to pursue based on their talents, interests, passions and future career pathways. The 2025 timetable is now in construction and will be finalised by the middle of Term 4. Students will receive their 2025 Semester 1 timetable towards the end of Term 4. The students and families of our 2025 Year 7 students also received an email last week enabling them to make their subject selections for next year.

Parent/Student/Teacher Evening

In Week 5, we hosted our second and final Parent/Student/Teacher Evening for the year, providing opportunity for students, families and staff to come together to discuss the students’ progress from Term 2 and to set goals for Term 3 and 4. In total, we had over 200 families attend the evening with over 750 appointments with our teaching staff. The evening ran smoothly and it was great to see so many students and families strengthening their partnership with our teachers through the conversations that were had.

Term 3 Assessment Window

The end of the Term 3 assessment window is fast approaching, with the final day for Term 3 assessments being on Friday 13 September (Week 8). Students are encouraged to finish off their outstanding assignments in time for the Term 3 report writing with additional support being offered via our Homework Centres. The Term 4 assessment window begins on Monday 16 September (Week 9). This is the final term for our Year 12 students, which is an exciting but stressful time as they finish their Stage 2 courses, and for some, begin preparing for exams. The Year 12’s final formal school day is on Friday 25 October (Week 2, Term 4), which will be celebrated by a Year 12 Breakfast and a whole school farewell assembly. Their Graduation Ceremony will be hosted on Friday 22 November at the prestigious Adelaide Town Hall in the city.

Homework Centres
A reminder that we have different Homework Centres available to students where they can access additional support from tutors, teachers, leaders and SSO’s. Please see the opening times for our Homework Centres below:

Learning HubMonday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3:20pm to 4:20pm for all students
Lower PennyTuesday and Thursday recess and lunch time supported by a learning area leader
Irabinna CentreTuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:15pm to 4:15pm for ATSI students

Studiosity for Year 11 and 12 students

All Year 11 and 12 students have access to an online learning platform called Studiosity, which provides 24/7 tutoring the writing support. Students are able to chat live with a subject specific tutor or receive literacy feedback on their written tasks to support their learning in the SACE. For support to access Studiosity

If you have any questions about the report and would like to speak with me about any else, please send me an email: luke.smith563@schools.sa.edu.au

Luke Smith
Deputy Principal