For close to a decade the school event known as the Braiding Project, has been a focal point for the school’s efforts to strengthen staff expertise in Global Citizenship and Intercultural Understanding. ‘Braiding’ is understood as a process where diverse views are shared and woven together across the day as a means of promoting mutual respect among members of the school community.
Previous braiding days have focused on promoting and maintaining students’ first/home languages. The program in 2021 invited staff and students to explore the role that values and beliefs play in shaping people’s worldviews and identities as they interact in an increasingly diverse global community. The theme for 2022 is ‘Belonging’. Students will be exploring the concept of belonging to diverse communities, including our school community through dialogue and the structures of the ‘Yarning Circle’. This will be co-facilitated by our student leaders.
Students from across the school are encouraged to get involved in this significant event to be held this year on Thursday 8 September. Please talk to your child/ren about getting involved.