In the fast-paced world of education, staying connected and informed about your child’s progress can sometimes feel like a daunting task. However, at Woodville High School (WHS), the introduction of SEQTA Engage has revolutionised the way families interact with their children’s learning journey.

In an exciting development, week 5 of Term 1 saw the activation of SEQTA Engage for families at WHS. This innovative module, available in both web and app formats for Apple and Android users, offers an array of features aimed at enhancing parental engagement and providing real-time access to teaching and learning data.

What Does SEQTA Engage Offer?

SEQTA Engage opens a window into the classroom, allowing parents to view crucial information such as curriculum details, assessment results, feedback from teachers, and even timetables. This comprehensive overview empowers families to stay informed about their child’s academic progress and address any concerns promptly.

Moreover, the platform facilitates seamless communication between parents and teachers, creating a collaborative environment conducive to student success. With communication pathways readily available, parents can easily reach out to teachers and other staff members at WHS, fostering a stronger partnership in supporting their child’s education journey.

A Welcome Upgrade:

The welcome page of SEQTA Engage serves as a central hub, offering quick access to essential programs like School TV and attendance submissions. This user-friendly interface streamlines navigation, ensuring that families can efficiently access the resources they need to support their child’s education.

Impressive Uptake and Future Plans:

The rollout of SEQTA Engage has garnered significant interest, with over 500 users embracing the platform within the first four weeks alone. This remarkable uptake surpasses the adoption rate of WHS’s previous system, highlighting the enthusiasm and eagerness of families to actively engage in their child’s education journey.

Looking ahead, WHS is committed to further enhancing the user experience of SEQTA Engage. In Term 2, the school will host a series of sessions inviting families to provide feedback on their experience with the platform. These sessions will not only serve as an opportunity for families to share their insights but also offer training and development to maximize their engagement with the new Learning Management System (LMS).

SEQTA Engage represents more than just a technological upgrade; it symbolizes a commitment to fostering strong partnerships between families, teachers, and students. By providing families with real-time access to teaching and learning data, WHS is empowering parents to play an active role in their child’s education, ultimately contributing to improved student outcomes and a thriving school community.

As we embrace the possibilities of digital innovation in education, SEQTA Engage stands as a shining example of how technology can revolutionize family engagement and enrich the educational experience for all stakeholders involved

SEQTA Review Committee

Our families have been engaging with SEQTA Engage for 6 weeks, viewing attendance, assessment feedback and subject content. To continually improve, I would like to form a SEQTA family review committee. This committee would meet in early Term 2 and provide feedback on their current experiences and suggestions for improvements. Please email to register your interest in joining this committee.