As we journey together towards the end of the term, I want to thank all staff, students and families for their support this semester in celebrating our achievements, whether it is in the classroom, on the sporting field, on stage, in service to our community or in shaping the changes at Woodville High School to become a school of choice and excellence.  This commitment requires dedication, determination, hard work and a relentless approach towards achieving the very highest standards. What unites us is our common purpose, and that is to give young people the intellectual and emotional tools to thrive and live productive and fulfilling lives. The word “educate” has its roots in the Latin word for “bringing out” or “leading forth”. As teachers know, education is about identifying and drawing out the talent in every child. It means recognising that there are many ways to capitalise on a student’s potential and there should be more than one route to success. The Harvard education professor Howard Gardner argues that human beings have a variety of different intelligences — emotional and practical as well as academic — and the purpose of education is to develop them all rather than just focusing on one. When we look at Woodville High School and all we do across all learning areas to build on individual strengths, talents, interests and passions, I want to acknowledge staff contribution to improvement and the vibrant life of our community. I want to recognise the teachers at Woodville High School for sharing their expertise, knowledge and insight, to support young people find new ways, explore new ideas and develop strategies to improve achievement and growth for every child. 

Year 12 Students

For our Year 12 students the holiday break should be a time when they have a break from the routine of attending school, but I encourage them to maintain their regular study routine during the holidays in preparation for assessment tasks and final year exams. The feedback from their mid-year examinations should inform their revision program to improve their knowledge, understanding and application of skills and concepts.


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As a School, we take pride in our people and our cultural and linguistic diversity. We take pride in supporting our students to discover and develop their passions, their talents, identity and their true strength of character. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity as a whole community to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  It is a time of celebration and connection between all peoples and this year’s theme GET UP, STAND UP, SHOW UP encourages everyone to champion institutional, structural, collaborative, and cooperative change while celebrating those who have already driven and led change in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities over generations. 

When we stand together as a community, acknowledge, and celebrate our whole history, we can then build a society with respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and identity at its heart. We can find a way forward together so I encourage you to join in celebrating our First Nations communities for what they are – the custodians of Country, who are knowledgeable, proud and spiritually connected to place. Country is not just about land it is a worldview. It includes land, waterways, sea and sky and includes time, place and space, which is referred to as ‘Dreaming’. NAIDOC week is a time to champion for an optimistic and sustainable future for all Australians.

The Newsletter will highlight the various activities our students engaged in during NAIDOC Week.

50 Years of ABBA Orchestrated

Last Saturday night, 50 Years of ABBA Orchestrated was an incredible success. Our students shared the stage with the Adelaide Concert Orchestra, David Polain Director, Narrator David Heath and singers. It was a proud moment for our students to be on stage at Her Majesty’s Theatre supporting the main act. I want to thank Kerrie Polkinghorne for her leadership, passion and commitment to student vocal achievement and growth. Thank you also to Paul Monaghan and Jakub Tengdahl for supporting Kerrie and the students to prepare for this privileged opportunity. The energy in the theatre was palpable as our students gained a standing ovation!  It was an event that combined leadership, creativity, and teamwork. 

I trust and hope that all students and staff have a safe and well-deserved break and return to Our Woodville with renewed energy and focus for another busy and productive semester! Term 3 commences on Monday 25 July 2022.

This newsletter continues to reflect the diversity of skills and experiences and the unique identity of Woodville High school. It has been a term of creativity, learning, growth and this newsletter will provide you with a glimpse of the spirit that makes our School such a vibrant place to be.