Last week our Wellbeing Portfolio members and our Vaping Committee students joined together and were addressed by Andrew Schultz; the Tobacco Lead; from the Cancer Council SA.

The discussion centred around our government’s new laws relating to Vapes and the tough stance that has been taken to ensure the health and safety of all Australians, especially teenagers. Andrew explained how the new laws, now in effect, mean that Vapes can only be sold through a pharmacy everywhere in Australia. He told us “the Australian Government wants to protect young people from the harms of vaping and nicotine dependence. From 1 July 2024, nicotine vapes in Australia are regulated as therapeutic goods. This means they are only available at pharmacies to help people quit smoking or manage nicotine dependence. It is illegal for any other business, such as tobacconists, vape shops and convenience stores, to sell any type of vape or vape product. Until 30 September 2024, everyone needs a prescription from a doctor or nurse practitioner to purchase therapeutic vapes from a pharmacy. From 1 October 2024, people 18 years or over will be able to purchase nicotine vapes directly from a pharmacy without a prescription. People under 18 will still need a prescription to access vapes, where state and territory laws allow it, to ensure they get appropriate medical advice and supervision. The concentration of nicotine in vapes sold in pharmacies without a prescription will be limited to 20mg/ml; people who need vapes with a higher concentration of nicotine will still require a prescription. Additional changes will limit the flavours available to mint, menthol and tobacco, and require plain pharmaceutical packaging for all vape products. The Therapeutic Goods Administration is leading the development of these reforms. Read more about the new regulations for vapes. The new Public Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Act 2023 started from 1 April 2024. The same bans that apply to tobacco advertising and sponsorship will apply to vapes. There is more information on the new legislation for tobacco control and on tobacco advertising bans.

Our students and staff from the vaping committee are also involved in the Blurred Minds forum later this month