Alcohol education to empower a generation

What is Smashed?
Smashed is a live performance that was delivered to Year 9 and 10 students by professional actors, along with a follow-up interactive workshop. It was designed to engage young people in a safe and motivational learning environment, enabling them to explore the dangers and consequences of underage drinking and binge drinking.

It also equipped the students with the facts, skills and confidence to make better choices and develop a responsible attitude towards alcohol.

Students also learnt about:

  • The dangers and risks of underage drinking such as physical and mental health issues, anti-social behaviour, accidents and injury, as well as impacts on relationships and school etc.
  • The causes of underage drinking by young people, including social influence and peer pressure
  • How to keep themselves safe from harm by making the right choices about alcohol
  • Local resources and services available to young people if they have been negatively affected by alcohol.

The performance was entertaining as well as educational and the students were an attentive audience. The students were also very engaged in the follow up lesson they had with their Home Group teachers in Pathways. If you are interested in opening up a conversation with your child about their relationship with alcohol, please download the SMASHED_Parent Resource Pack or access it from

SMASHED performance at St Claire Recreation Centre for Woodville High School Students