Every year during the month of August, South Australia celebrates SALA month to promote talented artists and extend Visual Arts to broader audiences. This year, Our Woodville was delighted to present two exhibitions to the community at external locations and one on-site installation.

The Enchanted Garden SALA exhibition featured ceramic busts created by Mrs Bajcic’s Semester 1 Year 9 Visual Art class. Meticulously curated by the artists themselves, this exhibition created a remarkable metamorphosis of the Ngutungka West Lakes gallery space. Visitors were transported into the realm of The Enchanted Garden, where age-old myths and legends were vividly reborn through the medium of ceramics.

The Senior Secondary Creative Arts exhibition was showcased at the Arndale Shopping Centre. This stunning collection featured a variety of artistic styles, from photography to drawing and painting. The students’ creativity and technical skill were prominently displayed in this exhibition, each piece offering a unique perspective on the world around us. The exhibition provided an ideal platform for these students to showcase their talents and share their artistic vision with the wider community.

Lastly, the Illuminate Woodville installation invited audiences to immerse themselves in a world of illuminated sculpture. The installation comprised the collective works of Year 7 and Year 10 students, ranging from three-dimensional lanterns to a canopy of decorative panels, designed to capture and distort light.

In addition to these marvellous exhibitions, a series of workshops and demonstrations were conducted to further engage the community with the artistic talent of Our Woodville students. The feedback from these events was overwhelmingly positive and serves as a true testament to our outstanding students. A huge thank you to everyone who has been involved in Our Woodville’s 2023 SALA journey.