Premier’s Reading Challenge Celebration

Congratulations to all students who completed their Premier’s Reading Challenge Award and attended our celebration lunch on Tuesday of Week 3. Each year, award participants commit to ongoing learning improvement through their enjoyment of reading, culminating in receiving awards and attending a celebration. Again, this year, there was cross year level representation with students from Years 8-12 participating. Congratulations! (PRC image here or alongside title)

Year 12 VET Placement Achievement – Hub and Community Partnerships

During last term and across the first 3 weeks of this term, the Hub was fortunate to have a WHS, Year 12 VET placement student, Anjelia Volaris, achieve her practicum for a Certificate II in Community Services qualification.

Anjelia led a project focusing on increasing our Hub and community partnerships. This included surveying staff and students, organising and meeting with librarians at the Woodville Branch of the City of Charles Sturt Library Service (CSLS) and planning, designing and promoting their services to support students to access an even greater range of resources and supports. This community partnership, which includes access to all council library resources with-in SA, via the One Card System, will further support access to quality resources and includes building awareness to visit our beautiful local library just down the road from our school.

Click here to visit the City of Charles Sturt Library Service website