R U OK? Day at Woodville High School
Parents and caregivers play an important role in their children’s wellbeing. Positive and consistent communication can make all the difference. It all begins with a question. Opening the lines of communication is not only asking the questions, but also being interested in the answers.
Positive conversations starters you can try are;
- “Are you ok?”
- “What went on at school today?”
- “I want to make the time to listen to you when you are ready to talk.”
- “I am here to talk if you want to.”
If you are having trouble finding the right time or place to have the initial conversation, you can choose to write a note and leave it in their bag or under their pillow. Try doing this to show your child you’re genuinely interested in listening to them and that you care.
Monitor for signs of wellbeing concerns such as withdrawal, outbursts of anger or tears for no reason. If any of these signs are observed and become a pattern, please follow the schools process for referrals to our Wellbeing Team through our school website. They will meet with your child and initiate supports at school and the wider community if appropriate. Communicating now and over time will lead to a more open and happier relationship with your child. Your children will know that you are someone they can lean on.
Attached is a conversation guide created by the Team from R U OK, breaking down ways to ask your child if they’re okay, and how to handle more complex responses.