On 7 August, our school hosted the annual SACE and Careers Information Evening, an event aimed at guiding students and their families through the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) requirements and exploring post-school career options.

The evening began with an overview of the SACE, outlining the key subjects, assessment criteria, and pathways available to students. Staff were on hand to answer questions, ensuring that every student has a clear understanding of how to successfully navigate their senior years.

Following the SACE presentation, students had the opportunity to explore various career pathways, with representatives from universities, TAFE, and local industries providing insights into future study options, apprenticeships, and job opportunities. These sessions were invaluable for helping students align their subject choices with their career aspirations. Parents and students left the event feeling well-informed and confident about the steps ahead. The evening was a crucial reminder of the importance of early planning in achieving both academic and career goals. A special thanks to all who attended and contributed to making the night a success!