Project Nova

Our Middle Years Project Based Learning curriculum initiative ‘Project Nova’ has taken off this Term! All year 7 students are working collaboratively to address the driving question: How can we, as producers, ... Read More

Music Update – December 2022

Middle School Concert Series On Wednesday 9th November, the year 7-10 music students presented the middle school concert series, this time in a new, live format. This year, we ran a year 7/8 ... Read More

Innovation at its Finest!

Over the past few years, Woodville High School has attended STEM Innovate, run by the Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) – and this year was no different! At the PriceWaterhouseCoopers in ... Read More

Balance program – Year 7 and 8

The Balance program, run by Lighthouse, continued throughout Term 3 with students from Year 7 and 8 engaging in the weekly tutoring sessions. The program is delivered by a number of professional ... Read More