National Careers Week, held from 12-18 May, was a resounding success. National Careers Week is an initiative of the Career Industry Council of Australia. It aims to celebrate careers, career development, career development services, and career development practitioners and promote career development’s economic, social, and personal benefits.

Career development is a process of managing learning, work, and leisure to progress through life. It includes gaining and using the skills and knowledge needed to plan and make informed decisions about education, training, and work. Everyday decisions and priorities affect career development.

This initiative aimed to provide valuable career guidance and resources, fostering a proactive approach towards career development among our students.

Key Activities:

1. ABCN Excursion – Find Your Purpose Excursion:

  • Engaged students in activities and discussions to help them identify their passions and career aspirations.
  • Received positive feedback from students who found the sessions inspiring and motivational.

2. The Smith Family – Work Inspo Excursion:

  • Provided students with insights into various professions through hands-on experiences and interactions with professionals.
  • Helped students understand real-world applications of their studies and explore potential career paths.

3. AIE Game Programming Experience:

  • Offered a unique opportunity for students interested in the gaming industry to learn about game programming and design.
  • Included practical workshops where students could try their hand at creating simple games, sparking interest in STEM fields.

4. Onsite White Card Training:

  • Facilitated construction safety training for students interested in the building and construction industries.
  • Enabled participants to earn their White Card certification, a valuable credential for future employment.

5. Dr. Karl Q&A Session:

  • Featured a lively Q&A with renowned scientist Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki, who shared his career journey and answered students’ questions about science and exploration.
  • Inspired students to pursue careers in STEM and fostered a sense of curiosity and wonder.

6. Boeing/Aviation Presentation:

  • Delivered an informative presentation on careers in aviation and aerospace to all Year 10 students.
  • Highlighted the various roles within the industry and the educational pathways required, encouraging students to consider careers in aviation.
  • Delivered an engaging and informative presentation on careers in aviation and aerospace to all Year 10 students. Attended by 140 students, the session underscored the significance of the various roles within the industry and detailed the educational pathways required.
  • The presentation provided crucial information on opportunities for work experience and apprenticeships, emphasising the importance of gaining practical skills. It offered more in-depth information sessions at Woodville, including invitations to host open days, demonstrating a commitment to ongoing student engagement. Additionally, there was a commitment to attend the SACE/Careers evening, highlighting the importance of continued career guidance.
  • Furthermore, the presentation emphasised the opportunities for experiences that can be used as evidence for VET course applications, reinforcing the value of practical experience in career development.

Student Engagement:

  • Student enthusiasm was remarkable, with over 400 students participating in various events.
  • Feedback indicated a high level of satisfaction, with many students reporting increased clarity and motivation regarding their career paths.


  • Enhanced awareness among students about diverse career opportunities.
  • Strengthened connections between the academic community and industry.
  • Positive feedback from employers, noting the preparedness and enthusiasm of our students.


  • Continue fostering partnerships with industry professionals and employers to enhance future events.
  • Expand the range of workshops and seminars to include more niche and emerging career fields.
  • Implement follow-up sessions to track student progress and provide ongoing support.

National Careers Week was a resounding success, demonstrating the value of collaborative efforts in career education. The diverse range of activities, from interactive excursions to insightful presentations, provided our students with a comprehensive view of potential career paths. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all involved and look forward to building on this foundation for future initiatives.

A big thank you to the organising committee, staff, volunteers, guest speakers, employers, and participants for their dedication and support.