South Australian School Band and Orchestra Festival

Recently students from some of our co-curricular ensembles participated in the South Australian School Band and Orchestra Festival, held at Westminster College. Our Woodville presented 6 performances at the festival and represented public education well.

Our results were very pleasing:

Prelude Strings – Merit Award (inaugural performance at the Festival)

Woodville Strings – Bronze Award

Concert Band – Gold Award

Wind Ensemble – Gold Award

Big Band – Silver Award

Stage Band – Gold Award

Special congratulations to Concert Band for also achieving Overall Winners in their division.

Victorian Schools Music Festival

On Wednesday August 28, the 38 members of the Wind Ensemble travelled to Melbourne to participate in the Victorian Schools Music Festival. This multi-week Festival has been running for many years, and Our Woodville has been a part of the festival since around 2002. The festival gives ensembles a chance to perform in an amazing concert venue, listen to other high level school ensembles and have an on stage tutorial with an international adjudicator. The Wind Ensemble participated in the Advanced Concert Band division and was privileged to have a workshop with Dr Albert Nguyen, Director of Bands at the University of Memphis. The students performed extremely well, with some repertoire receiving its first public performance and achieved a Gold Award. Congratulations to all of the students, along with the staff who organised and ran the trip.