Our Woodville takes a stand against bullying in all its forms, and we brought attention to our anti bullying processes as part of Bully No Way Day on 14 August. The theme for 2024 was ‘Everyone belongs’. When we all feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place. It’s about embracing who we are, respecting everyone’s differences and standing up together against unkindness. Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. We’re encouraged to speak up and create a safe place where everyone feels supported and respected, and our voices are heard and valued. Parents/Caregivers have a key role in preventing and responding to bullying.


The Bully No Way Web site explains what bullying is and what it is not. 

Understanding the definition of bullying is the first step in talking about how to prevent and respond to bullying with your child. ‘Bullying’ is a word that is used for behaviours that are not actually bullying. These other behaviours can be just as serious but may require different responses.

School responses to reports of bullying can be much more effective when parents and carers report bullying and support school staff efforts to respond to it.

If your child reports that bullying is occurring at school, or the bullying is occurring outside school hours and involves students from the school, you should let the school know about the situation.

Working together with the school is the best way to help your child resolve bullying issues.

Schools will work with you to resolve the situation and will also work with the other student’s parents. Due to privacy laws, they will not be able to share information about any other students involved.

This podcast with Professor James Scott External link, a clinical child and youth psychiatrist, and the head of the Child and Youth Research Group at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Queensland, discusses the signs your teenager may be experiencing bullying, how to start the conversation with them and how you can approach the school to resolve the issues. The Bully No Way Web site has Information translated in the following languages
that families in your preferred language: 


Activities on Bully No Way Day included Dressing as superhero and donating a gold coin gold coin donations to the Dolly Dream Foundation




During our THRIVE Program students came together to develop their Anti Bullying messages and pledges which will then be combined from each House Group to formulate a Bully Pledge for each House in line with their 3 values. These will then be combined into a whole school Anti bullying pledge that will be displayed in in our school

Students making a human note on our oval that spells out BULLY FREE WHS.

Students made a human message on our oval which was photographed and filmed by a drone to send a clear message of Our Woodville’s anti bullying commitment.

Each Student was given a cupcake at Recess and lunch time. Student were given the cakes as a reward for handing in their positive antibullying positive affirmation statements that will be placed around the school.

The year 12 Health and Wellbeing Class have been focusing their studies on the impact of Bullying on adolescents. They have researched ways to help positively promote antibullying and how to provide support for people who have suffered from bullying.

Some of the activities included:

  • Fundraising for the Do It for Dolly campaign. This foundation supports the family of a young girl who was a victim to bullying and spreads awareness of the true dangers and its effects on young individuals. Additionally, the group had a pop-up stall facilitating the distribution of ‘bullying no way’ wristbands alongside the student-made educational materials of what we believe the dangers of bullying are, what is bullying and to keep it on theme the importance of individuality. https://www.dollysdream.org.au/event/do-it-for-dolly-day-2024/home
  • Participants were given a sheet of information to find, which they must scavenger hunt around the school to find the right prompts to fill in the boxes. Once they have found all the answers (which will be facts about bullying) they will be given a pamphlet on bullying no way day and support services available.
  • Students will be given a pair of headphones with loud music and be asked a series of questions regarding bullying. This activity is to highlight the importance of paying attention to your friends and listening to them when they may need support. They will then learn about the signs to look out for with their friends and what support services are available for them and their friends.