R U OK? Day is an opportunity to show our commitment to being connected to everyone in our school community, and to having conversations that can help others in difficult times.

As a caring school with over 1150 young people, how we model and show concern and Respect for each other is paramount. Today there were activities for students in THRIVE and a range of engaging activities at recess and lunch time including games and challenges between staff and students. Our focus for this year’s Ruok day was on building strong, connected, positive relationships with, and amongst ourselves, and with our students as we discussed at the WEC presentation. Our students really value the interactions with staff outside the traditional classroom. Today saw staff take up the great opportunity to be in our yard and Learning Hub during the breaks to build those connections, so students see us as important adults in their lives.

As a staff and parent group, with the ever-evolving societal challenges we will all benefit by opening the lines of communication with our friends, family, and our peers and ask the question “are you ok?” We may be unsure of how to or lack confidence in approaching others if we feel they are struggling. Attached is an outline of how we can approach colleagues, family and friends with meaningful conversation starters and show our support.

At the end of the day all staff were invited to a coffee and doughnut celebration in our school garden from 2:30- 2:50 pm. This event was kindly supplied and donated by our Pastoral Support Worker Tim Kidney and the School’s Ministry Group.

R U OK? is a national suicide prevention charity and registered public health promotion that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times. Their work focuses on building the motivation, confidence and skills of the help-giver – the person who can have a meaningful conversation with someone who is struggling with life.

R U OK? contributes to suicide prevention efforts by encouraging people to invest more time in their personal relationships and building the capacity of informal support networks – friends, family and colleagues – to be alert to those around them, have a conversation if they identify signs of distress or difficulty and connect someone to appropriate support, long before they’re in crisis. https://www.ruok.org.au

Understanding the growing challenges related to mental health among young people is an important consideration. Anxiety, depression and self-harm – are all causes for concern. Factors like academic pressure, social media, family dynamics, and societal expectations, are contributing to these issues. It’s therefore crucial for parents and caregivers to act early, remove the stigma around discussing mental health, and offer accessible support to address these issues and the wellbeing of their children.

R U OK?Day is an initiative that focuses on preventing suicide by encouraging meaningful personal connections and helping informal support networks to help recognise the signs of distress. We urge all families to take part, emphasising the value of genuine human relationships and reminding everyone to ask the important question, “Are you OK?”

Engaging in R U OK?Day activities goes beyond the classroom; it’s a commitment to our students’ overall development. By talking openly about mental health, schools create safe spaces where students feel understood, valued, and supported. As parents and caregivers, you can contribute by fostering open conversations, normalising feelings and breaking down mental health stigmas. Participating in R U OK?Day promotes compassion and shows our dedication to the wellbeing of the entire school community, reaffirming that together, we can truly make a difference.

This Special Report provides guidance on how to talk to your child about mental health and engage in meaningful discussions.

Here is the link to this Special Report