Woodville High School believes wellbeing is the foundation for effective learning. In 2023 our new Wellbeing Team has brought vitality and innovation to prioritise access to education and wellbeing for all students.  Our 4 new House Leaders and our new Wellbeing Leaders are all based in our expanded Wellbeing Hub working to enact the 2023 Department for Education Strategy for Public Education. We prioritise this document’s ethos of: learners feel safe, included, and valued. We ensure students have access to support, experiences, teaching, and resources to build their resilience and social and emotional skills to engage in learning positively and confidently.

In 2023:

  • Staff, students, and families were provided with a range of wellbeing support contacts at school, and in our community.
  • The Wellbeing team identified students at risk, and vulnerable learners that were followed up through phone calls, emails, text messages and family meetings to plan and implement targeted, individualised support.
  • Our team worked closely with community and department organisations to support students at risk of disengagement to develop an educational program to maximise their participation in education.
  • Timely communication of upcoming events impacting on students and families via the school’s website, newsletter, SMS and FROG for parents.
  • Continued our Multicultural Parent groups including guest speakers providing information on student wellbeing and study advice.
  • Continued support for students learning through access to Studiosity for all Year 10-12 students and homework clubs at lunchtime and after school.
  • SchoolTV as a 24/7 support for families. It provides parents with resources to support student wellbeing. These documents are available in 49 languages.

In 2023 support structures and partnerships for student wellbeing included:

  • The continuation of a Breakfast Club facilitated through our school canteen
  • Bullying and Harassment workshops for all students
  • Online resources for students have been highlighted and can be accessed 24/7 through the internet. These include direct links to health support as well as strategies to manage stress
  • The 22-year partnership with Youth Opportunities for the benefit of Year 10 students in relationship building and goal setting
  • Safe Partying and Road Safety information sessions as well as ongoing SAPOL information sessions
  • Specific cybersafe seminars including how to protect yourself online and avoid money scammers
  • Our Pastoral Support Worker continue supporting students through a multi faith approach
  • Our strong partnership with the Smith Family continued throughout 2023 with their support of our year level days, Homework Centre and Scholarship Program.

In 2024:

  • All staff will be trained in Berry Street trauma informed activities and strategies to support student wellbeing through the modelling of these approaches, especially self-regulation and remaining calm in a crisis. 
  • All staff will be trained in the Childhood Protection Curriculum. This will empower curriculum areas to address the key learning of this social and emotional program through their curriculum teaching and documents.
  • Our once a week wellbeing program will be called THRIVE and will incorporate elements       of Wellbeing, skills for Academic success, planning for the future, peer support and community outreach.                                                          
  • Our year 10 and 11 students will run Peer Support activities during these THRIVE sessions to build belonging, safety and support through greater involvement in the transition processes engaging students in conversations to determine what makes them feel safe, welcomed and belonging to WHS.

House Structure

In 2023 our House Structure Implementation Committee worked on the scoping and implementation of our House System. Our House structure develops relational learning at Our Woodville and is focused on student learning and wellbeing. Our focus has been to strengthen staff and students’ sense of belonging, comradery, and identity.  

This year we implemented the Academic Awards, House Competitions, Events, Games, Carnivals, Activities, House Spaces and our year 9 and 10 students were trained in the Peer Leadership Program. We conducted house activities for the first time. This saw students meeting within their house locations and getting to know and create their house culture. These first meetings, led by the staff and student House Leaders gave a history of the house names and the key elements of Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune and Sirius as constellations that complement our school motto of “Reach for the Stars”.

Students were able to see all the other students and staff members of their House together in the same place. Students created house crests, t-shirt designs and were involved in the first sports day nominations. This led to groups of students meeting with a Electric Road a local graphic design company to develop new shields for each house.

From 2024 when a student commences at Woodville High School, they become a member of a smaller community in their House, they are immediately part of a welcoming supportive environment. Within each House, lifelong friendships are formed, a solid work ethic is nurtured, teamwork is fostered, and leadership will be promoted. Whether in academic, sporting, or cultural activities, every student within each House is able to make, and be recognised for, their contribution. Students will remain in their same Home Group (7-12 vertical structure) throughout their time at Our Woodville, enabling the House Group Teacher to monitor a student’s individual progress across the years and provide a sense of safety, identity, belonging and continuity.

Woodville High School has 4 Houses and these Houses will have physical spaces where students will congregate regularly in morning House  Groups and Thrive lessons as well as special occasion meetings.

The house system includes designated leaders who will work closely with their respective house.

The staff House Leaders are:
Megan Patman

Nigel Gramp

John Katavatis

Emily O’ Neill

Student House Leaders 2023
Lyla Muir

Charlise Mazey

Calee Dirkson

Annabelle Joffe

Clothesline Project 2024

Recently Our Woodville brought attention to the Australia wide White Ribbon Day, an opportunity to raise awareness of the issue of violence against women in Australia and around the world. Woodville High School supported the day focusing on the actions that we work together to end violence against others in all its forms – asking “How Can We Make Change?” and calling on all Australians to “Learn, Give and Take Action.” White Ribbon Day reminds us we can all play our part. We need to empower everyone to realise we are all part of the solution to be equipped with the tools required to make change in themselves, their communities, and our society.

“We need to shift the attitudes and social norms that excuse or condone disrespect, sexual harassment, and abuse. Staff and students were encouraged to dress in white had the opportunity to have their photo taken in a White Ribbon Day Frame. With the support of the Zonta Club and The City of Charles Sturt Council our Year 10s participated in the Clothesline Project this year. The purpose of the Clothesline Project is to increase the awareness of the impact of interpersonal violence, to celebrate strength and resiliency, and to provide a means to break through the silence that often surrounds interpersonal violence. Students created designs and slogans for t-shirts to generate awareness, and hopefully in turn prevent future domestic violence. Students found the task humbling and impactful. The T-Shirts are on display in our Learning Hub.

Congratulations to Alicia Miller (Wellbeing Leader)

Wellbeing Leader Alicia Miller has been selected as a recipient for the Department for Educations’ Trauma Informed Practice Scholarship program. Alicia has accepted an offer from Deakin University to continue her tertiary education and complete a Graduate Certificate of Education in Trauma-Responsive Education. The course provides participants with the skills and understandings necessary to create safe and trusting learning environments for all students, including those impacted by trauma. Offering theoretical insights and practical strategies that enable participants to design and enact trauma-responsive care and learning experiences. The course consists of four units:

1. Trauma and Trauma-Responsive Practices. This unit Offers multidisciplinary accounts of events, experiences, and effects of trauma; and presents strategies for recognising and responding to needs and conditions of traumatised children as well as individuals exposed to secondary trauma.

2. Trauma and Learning. This unit focuses on how traumatic experiences of violence, displacement, neglect, and abuse affect the learning experiences and attainment of children.

3. Refugee Trauma and Education. This unit closely examines the effects of forced displacement and its implications for educational provisions and engagement.

4. Trauma Responsive Educational Practice Inquiry. This unit prepares participants to investigate what trauma-responsive practices look like, what assumptions and values underpin the practices, and what needs to change and why.

Alicia will be able to share her knowledge with The Wellbeing Hub Staff as well as creating spotlight professional learning for teaching and support staff. We look forward to her sharing her education and resources with us.

End of the Year

As we approach the Christmas holiday season it is a time of joy and happiness for most, however we are mindful that this season can also take some students away from friends and their usual school supports. Changes to routine can cause some young people to feel stressed, isolated, and alone. Parent/carer support is very important. We would encourage you (where possible) to connect directly with the families of any young people identified as particularly vulnerable or at risk, as well as providing additional supportive information to all families. Headspace has some information about keeping healthy over the holidays that may be helpful to share with young people and their families. Please also see the Be You Mental Health Services and Support infographic. 

 Further tips for adults supporting young people 

  • Encourage them to stay connected: Social relationships are an important aspect of young people’s general wellbeing. Friends can provide both play and support, and spending time with friends is also important for keeping and building existing friendships. 
  • Encourage them to stay involved: Whether it is work, hobbies, clubs or sports – involvement with these can help a young person feel connected to their wider community.   
  • Partake in physical activity: If your young person is feeling down or finding things difficult, physical activities such as walking around the block can help relieve stress and frustration. 
  • Keeping to a regular routine: Getting a good sleep each night helps young people feel energised, focused and motivated. Getting up and going to bed at the same time each day can help normalise their body clock. 
  • Seeking Help & support:  Link to headspace Resources