In Term 3, 24 students from the Year 10 Advanced Mathematics class attended the ABCN My Career Rules program. It gives students the opportunity to prepare questions and interact with a panel of professionals from specific jobs and industries, opening their minds to careers that reflect the current workplace. Providing a link between classroom learning and the real world of work, it aims to reinforce messages about the skills and mindsets needed to make a successful career in the future workplace. 

The students were keen to engage with their mentors and make the most of the opportunity. The mentors complimented the students on their fantastic (and at times, challenging) questions and really enjoyed the experience and liveliness of the discussions.

When reflecting on the day comments that students made were:

“The most important thing I learnt is that it is okay to not know what you want to be, as well as doing multiple jobs within your life.”

“Thank you for engaging with us and being supportive. I enjoyed talking with all of them and was even able to have a few laughs.”

“I really appreciate about the fact that you guys were really open about your job description and your career pathway.”

“It [My Career Rules] is very beneficial and I am now closer to choosing what I want to do after high school.”

“I learnt that high school grades and university degrees aren’t the be-all and end-all. There’s always a way to work in the profession of your dreams if you work hard enough.” 

“The most important thing I learnt was about hard and soft skills and transferrable skills and their importance.”

“Thank you for being so open about your failures or moments in your career that seemed uncertain. It helps normalise those situations and really helps me to feel less scared about the future.”