The Year 9 students completed their English unit on Shaun Tan’s ‘The Lost Thing’.  At the completion of a variety of written texts, students demonstrated their creativity by making sculptures of their own interpretation of ‘The Lost Thing’. These were then displayed in the Learning Hub for other students to admire, along with their written statements explaining what they were.

The Year 7 English classes have been studying the novel ‘Meralte – The Boat’ by Janis Koolmaterie.  This adventure story revolves around two Aboriginal children in Australia 10,000 years ago who embark on a trip from Lake Eyre to Ngarrindjeri country in search of a boat. The students have learned many things about South Australian Aboriginal customs and history through the immersion in this novel.  One of the Year 7 classes made artworks of Dieri country as imagined in the story.