Our 2021 Year 8 Level Day on Friday December 5 was a remarkable event, despite not proceeding quite as planned!

Due to extreme weather conditions we were not able to go ahead with the Surf Lifesaving activities at Grange Beach.

With the cancellation occurring less than 24 hours before the day, Year 8 Home Group teachers flew into action to prepare an alternative day of activities for students back at school.

The brief: ‘Team-building, interactive, opportunities to practice our Graduate Habits and fun!’.

Students rotated through a range of different activity sessions throughout the day with at least seven different options offered in each session.

Popular choices included roller-skating at St Clair, basketball, Aboriginal-inspired art, digital music creation, Dungeons and Dragons, minor games and even yoga!

There was certainly a lot of perseverance demonstrated during the roller-skating which many students deemed their favourite activity of the day.

A big thank you to the teachers for pulling this all together with very short notice, and to the Year 8s for your enthusiastic participation!