School’s Tree Day was a remarkable event at Woodville High School, highlighting our commitment to the environment and community collaboration. Our Environmental Leadership portfolio, alongside community volunteers, transformed a neglected area of our school gardens by planting native trees and shrubs. This initiative not only beautified our campus but also contributed to the local ecosystem.

In the afternoon, our environmental leaders teamed up with young artists from Woodville High School and other western suburbs high schools to launch the My Tree Project SALA exhibition at the Hindmarsh Library. This event was a testament to the power of creativity and environmental stewardship coming together.

A special highlight was Year 8 Environmental Prefect Hayley Maigler’s speech. Speaking to such a large audience for the first time, Hayley eloquently shared the impact of the My Tree Project on young people and the environment in our community. Her confident and inspiring speech was a proud moment for everyone involved.

We are incredibly proud of all our young artists and environmental leaders. Their dedication and hard work have made a significant impact, and we look forward to seeing their future achievements in both the arts and environmental conservation.