Woodville High School’s success is in the understanding that it does not operate in isolation of its broader community but within it, and in response to it. Our school spans across a century and our culture of success and our core values remain relevant across many generations. Woodville High School continues to grow with enrolments, but we need continue our success by refining and innovating in order to offer a contemporary, challenging, inclusive and world-class education. We want young people to be globally competent, to appreciate different perspectives and worldviews, interact successfully and respectfully with others, and take responsible action toward sustainability and collective wellbeing. Ultimately, we want to empower young people who are going to make a difference in this world through their generosity, service and leadership. As a school, we are currently reviewing our student leadership structure for 2022 to encourage students to take greater ownership of their learning and wellbeing, to play a greater role within the decision making and change processes in our school.

The Student Charter and Pillars of Service have been developed and ratified by Governing Council. The middle and senior year’s leadership structure has been reviewed and a draft copy has been presented to student leaders for feedback. This will also go to staff and families for further consultation and the final draft will then go to Governing Council for approval. Our purpose is to increase students’ sense of agency, feelings of belonging, and civic efficacy. This will move the school towards a more equitable dialogue that explicitly incorporates, acknowledges, and values a diverse array of perspectives.

Other than developing a new Student Leadership Structure and Handbook we are also committed to:

  • Finalising our branding, style guide and developing our website
  • Consulting with all stakeholders on the uniform changes recommended by the Uniform Committee that includes students, parents and staff
  • The Student Engagement and Community Wellbeing Committee developing a policy and procedures for behaviour development that is aligned to a restorative approach
  • Implementing Restorative Justice across all policies and operations of the school
  • Finalising our Student Services Hub and our new Wellbeing Handbook
  • Undertaking a review of our SHIP Program
  • Develop a new Report Template that reports on not only achievement and growth in subjects but also captures the broader range of evidenced capabilities necessary for employment and active citizenship. This work is being undertaken by the newly established Reporting Committee
  • Further developing Google Classrooms and Daymap and identifying the preferred WHS APP to strengthen communication with families
  • Continuing to support the curriculum leaders and their teams to develop scope and sequences that enables planning of a sequential and cumulative progression of student learning across the years of schooling. Year level curriculum planning enables sequencing of student learning and assessment for a cohort of students and supports teachers to make connections between topics and units in different curriculum areas, including the capabilities that will be explicitly taught and evidenced. This can highlight opportunities for integrated or interdisciplinary learning, or to make links with co-curricular activities. 
  • Implementing STEP 4 of the Department’s School Improvement Model – Improving practice and monitoring impact.  During this step, the focus is on improving practice by implementing the SIP planned actions and meeting regularly to monitor the implementation and impact of actions, decide on next steps, by gathering evidence of student progress and growth in Writing, Numeracy and Reading. This ongoing reflection of achievement against the success criteria is critical to determine if we are having an impact throughout the year. 
  • Publishing the 2022 Timetable by early Term 4.

Traffic Congestion

Congestion seems to be a common phenomenon in schools. As you would be aware, the volume of traffic around Actil Avenue, at the beginning and end of the day can be a concern. The following information serves as a reminder to help alleviate the congestion we are experiencing and more importantly ensure the safety of our students, staff and families.

We are working with the Charles Sturt Council to explore strategies to address the congestion and solutions to assist families when dropping or collecting their children from school. It is our aim to ensure traffic flows freely and students are collected safely and efficiently from school.

I remind parents that it is important that we respect our neighbouring community by not parking in or across residential driveways, be patient and respectful to other drivers at this time and ensure all road and driver regulations are abided by. The Council will issue fines if the street parking rules are not adhered to.

To support in alleviating the congestion, it may be of assistance to work out particular pick-up points from areas beyond Actil Avenue. 

We thank you for your ongoing support and consideration in keeping our students, staff and families safe at these times.

Mobile Phones Policy

From the first day of Term 3 every school is required to be using the student use of mobile phones and personal devices policy. Woodville High School has complied with this requirement.

Our new mobile phone policy and procedures are in place to improve student wellbeing, provide greater participation and engagement in learning, and ensure less classroom distractions.

A reminder that mobile phones should be switched off and kept out of sight during classroom lessons. Unless permission is granted by the teacher, mobile phones should not be used to make calls, send SMS messages, surf the Internet, take photos or videos. The mobile phones should also not be used in other educational activities, such as assemblies.

 Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency, the Woodville High School front office remains a vital and appropriate point of contact.