Dear Families, thank you all for attending our parent teacher night recently as a follow-up to our term one reports of student achievement. Some parents have asked about the homework and its value as one of the categories on the report. Our school believes that some time spent after school on school subjects is valuable and that homework helps to reinforce learning and develop skills and abilities. Woodville High School follows the Department for Education guidelines for homework as outlined below

When homework is set the school ensures that:

  • the homework is appropriate to the age and ability of the students
  • it recognises students have other commitments such as sport and home responsibilities
  • the homework does not disadvantage students who do not have access to technology such as email and the internet.

The value of homework

Homework reinforces learning and helps students develop skills by:

  • reinforcing work studied during class
  • developing research skills
  • developing time management skills
  • helping to develop good study habits
  • developing concentration
  • developing self-discipline
  • providing opportunities for children who may be struggling with a topic by reinforcing learning
  • providing challenges and stimulus for children
  • enabling parents to see how their child is progressing at school
  • bridging the gap between learning at school and home.

Types of homework

Practical exercises help students remember newly acquired skills such as memorising mathematical tables, practising spelling words, writing essays and reading for pleasure.

Preparatory homework requires students to source and read background information to prepare them for future lessons – eg reading an article on the gold rush in preparation for a lesson in Australian history.

Extension assignments encourage students to pursue knowledge individually and imaginatively. Assignments may include writing a book review, researching local news or retrieving items from a library or the internet.

Supporting students with their homework

Encouragement and support from parent/Caregivers helps students have a positive and productive approach to homework. To assist students:

  • take an active interest in their homework
  • be aware of the amount of homework set and support them to set aside time to do it
  • provide a dedicated space for homework and study if possible
  • talk to teachers about any concerns you have about the homework
  • talk to the teachers if you have concerns about the student’s approach to homework
  • encourage students to read and take an interest in current events
  • alert the school of any circumstances at home or any extra activities that may need to be taken into account when homework is set or marked
  • sign completed work, if appropriate, to help teachers monitor homework