Year 7s into High School and Transition

Anna Mirasgentis, Alice Forster and Sam Tuffnell attended the South Australian Secondary Principals Association event ‘Managing the double cohort’ on Monday of week 6 at the Wine Centre. Four schools presented their transition plans for effectively managing the large numbers of year 7 and 8 students in 2022. There was a focus on student well-being and addressing the learning and development needs of diverse cohorts of students.

Following this event, Anna, Alice and Sam were able to reflect on the procedures in place at Woodville High School. We are confident that the processes currently in place will make for a smooth transition for our incoming year 7 and 8 cohort in 2022.

On Friday of week 7, Alice and Sam developed a plan for the ‘first 100 days’ of 2022. Taking advice from other primary and secondary schools, as well as incorporating student voice, we mapped activities in week 0 for staff, week 1 for students and events throughout the first term. It is quite clear that transition doesn’t stop at the end of term 4 this year and it definitely doesn’t end at the conclusion of week 1 next year. To build on this, the theme of ‘Woodville Week’ for week 1 has been suggested. This would involve the students being immersed in the values and Graduate habits of Woodville High School. Other events include a morning tea on the first day back for parents, ICT information sessions and additional visits for those students identified.

To support this planning a Transition Committee is being formed. This committee will also incorporate the first of our Year 7 and 8 Student Leadership teams which will be led by Sam and Jan Ahrens.

Both Sam and Alice have been visiting Primary and High schools, meeting our incoming students and beginning to build the ‘learner profile’ that will follow the students throughout their high school journey. Meetings will be held with all incoming families in term 3 and 4 of 2021 so that we can really get to know our incoming students and prepare thoroughly for their arrival. This will also support a greater sense of school community to be established.  

This update focuses on Benefits for your child and planning for the transition across schools and the state. Read the full PDF here.